Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The World Has Had Enough!!!!

Was talking to my friend today and I think i finally hit the nail on the head....

There is so much 's**t' going on in everyones lives atm and I think I have a good theory on why...

The world has had enough!!!!

Think about it... we have almost destroyed the world with our pollution and greed, and the world is finally biting back. The weather patterns are going crazy, earthquakes galore, volcanos erupting, mass rainfall and floods you name it...

I think the world has finally said "F*** You, time to get my own back", and slowly but surely, in one way or another, things are happening. natural disaster, people getting really sick (other than the normal stuff), people turning on each other, killings etc....I think its all part of the grand thing called Evolution and it's inevitable. It's like 'The Secret' explains about the 'Law Of Atraction' but on a much bigger scale....

All the negativity in the world is finally outweighing the positive, and the world/earth is acting accordingly, so, if we want things to change..... First WE MUST!!!!!!

7th September 2010