Monday, May 6, 2013

So far in 2013

Well... It's may the 6th and so far this year has already had its ups and downs. Some great things to mention and some not so great. I guess starting at the beginning is good so here goes....
I guess I should start by mentioning that I completed and passed Foundation Studies at Flinders University last year and got into a Bachelor of Arts degree do this year I'm studying at Flinders again. my 4 topic areas are Sociology, Philosophy, English/Creative Writing and Screen & Media. I'm hoping to do well in ENGL and S&M as ideally I'd like to one day be filming small movies, documentaries or be a script writer. I've met some great people at Uni and made some great friends. The study load isn't too much so far although some of the content in SOCI and PHIL is tough to get my head around. I'll just persevere and do the best I can, that's all I can do right?
In other news, I've wiped the slate with some people I was friends with... Something I felt necessary in order to move forward in my life. Occasionally I miss them but then I remember why I chose to walk away and remember that I'm better off without them in my life. I've also met some new people outside of Uni that I have become friends with. Out with the old in with the new :)
So that's some up the ups.... Now to some of the downs and in betweens... I have so much going on in my life right now I feel like things just can't get any worse really... Though I know they could, I just think when it rains it pours and when one bad thing happens, others follow. So what's been going on?
Well, I finally have a court date to get a DNA test for my daughter to prove to her father that she is his child and thus, get him to pay child support. It's been a long process and still a long way to go, but it's finally starting to happen. I lost two of my front teeth back in October last year (years of drug abuse has not helped at all and thankfully it has been 6 years since I touched any hard drugs, I think I'm a credit to myself for overcoming it), and after a lengthy wait on the dental waiting list for goat assistance to get my teeth fixed, my name finally came up on the top of the waiting list. Now I just have to come up with the money to get new teeth as I need two other teeth removed before I can get my new ones. I feel like some kind of grotesque moron... I feel like when I go out all dressed up nice, people must be saying "she's not bad looking, until she opens her mouth" :( I feel hideous! :(
So now I hear you asking, is that all that's going on? Why would you think things can't get any worse? Well.... Three weeks ago I went for a smear test. I'm meant to get the, done every year due to the fact that there is a long history of cancer in my family and my mum had cervical cancer at age 28. Stupid me didn't get one done for 6 years and I received some bad news when I got the results back last week. I have to go into hospital in June for a colposcopy and a biopsy as I have the starting of cervical cancer and I need to biopsy to find out how far it's progressed. Being that its been 6 years since my last smear, who knows how bad it's going to be. As much as I expected it one day, I wasn't expecting it so soon. What worries me is not the fact that I may have to have a hysterectomy if its progressed too far, I'm more concerned about having to take so much time off Uni if I do. It's a 6-8 week recovery period from a hysterectomy, and that's if there isn't any post op infection. Hospitals here are renown for it. I'm preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. The stress has started affecting me health wise too. I feel like one of those annoying people that does nothing but complain all the time. My arthritis in my knees has flared up, the bursitis in my shoulder has flared up, I've been getting migraines, not sleeping much and my eyes tingle a lot as a result of lack of sleep and migraines. I just want it all to stop. The waiting for the biopsy is going to be tough. I'm an impatient person at the best of times and for something like this, it's going to drag on and on and do my head in.  So that's my year so far... Like I said, ups and downs, and right now I just want something good to happen. The is more not so good stuff I could mention but its making me feel more depressed just thinking about it, so I am going to stop here for now I think. Catch ya again soon...

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there and stay positive, things will slowly start to work out :) [ps, I tried FOREVER to paste an inspirational quote in this comment but they were all rejected because the comment-box police don't recognise the codes, and I'm not savvy enough to get all technical and totally ace it, so here's a fancy face instead (^__^)Y -- that's me doing the peace sign)
